
Archive for March, 2011

You all have to see this.

It’s a recording of the ISS, atleast monochrom’s ISS, monochrom being an art group in vienna, and the ISS being an improv reality sitcom theatre play, which I recorded, edited, and in a way co-directed. (well, I directed all the extra bits, none of the episodes though)

Every month for four months now, there is going to be a new episode of monochrom’s ISS in Vienna, each time the actors have a surrounding plot of what the episode is about, but getting from point A to B is completely left up to them. One of them, Jeff Rickets (you might know him from Firefly as one of the blue hands guys, or from Star Trek Enterprise as one of the andorians (not jeffrey combs though)), actually said it is “acting hell”, because not only have they no clue what the hell is going to happen, but they can receive input from the director at any time to do any kind of weird shit at moments notice.

Ive witnessed all of it. every preparation there was. every discussion about setting and character. and it is teh funnies. I love it. I love it so much, that I am making a documentary about it as we speak.

So please PLEASE. Watch this episode, like it, or dislike it. I dont care, but watch it and think about it, and if you wish, comment on it, either here or on vimeo. It will make it better, and me feel important.

Thank you,

PS: I have unreleased pictures to share:

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