
Posts Tagged ‘Norway’

Map of an Island

Map of an Island, loosely (by my standards…) based on an island at the southernmost tip of Norway where I spent my summers as a child. (CC: BY-SA-2.5-SE)

The Pica pica challenge continues, this time with the word “Map”. So far enforced creativity works rather well. I decided to go for a classic fantasy-look, since I had recently procured some new calligraphy pens that I wanted to try out  (also, I rather like that kind of map). I’m very pleased with the result, though of course there are things I would like to change or improve.

The map of an is loosely (by my standards…) based on the island Hidra at the southernmost tip of Norway, where I spent my summers as a child. It’s a lovely place, remarkably lush despite the dramatic geology. One of my absolute favourite places in the world. To the North of the island is a narrow strait; on the opposite side from where the small channel dug at the end of the fiord — effectively dividing the island into two islands — is the most beautiful mountain I know.

As usual, the licence is CC:BY-SA-2.5-SE, so share and enjoy!

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